10 unbelievable beautiful tourist destinations in the world

1. "Hell Gate", Turkmenistan

"Inferno" is the name of a natural gas in Turkmenistan. While conducting the exploitation of gas in 1971, the Soviet geologists have drilled into a methane pocket. The ground beneath the drilling rig collapsed, forming a large hole with a diameter of 70 m. To avoid leakage of poisonous gasses, one has decided the best way is to burn it. Geologists hope that fire will burn the entire amount in a few days, however, this fires up to now not yet finished. People here call this the pit Gate° n hell° n.

2. Seabed Jesus Statue , Italy

At first glance, the statue of Jesus on the sea bottom (Italian: Il Cristo Degli Abissi) looks like the ruins of a forgotten city. In fact, the high bronze about 2.5 m of this is the work of sculptor Guido Galletti, is placed at a depth of 17 m below sea level in the area of san Fruttuoso, Northwest Italy. Place near to where Dario Gonzatti, expert of the first scuba diving died in 1947. Good Jesus statue in the arm to the sky as the jam are begging security for sheep.

3. Complex of Angkor, Cambodia

Built in the XII century, dedicated to the goddess of the Hindu God Vishnu (Hinduism), the complex of temples situated on an area of 820.000 m ² in Siem Reap deserted from the 16th century. Currently, it became a famous Buddhist temple of the district and is the symbol of the land of Cambodia. If you've never visited this neighboring country, invites you to travel together through the screen of the World Culture through the article Cambodian experience on the occasion of 30-4 and 1-5. Hope the information in this article will help you to have more motivation to come to Angkor!

4. Maunsell sea forts, England

Maunsell forts situated right at the mouth of the River Thames, United Kingdom. They were built during the second world war, anti-aircraft purposes. After the war, the Maunsell forts deserted since the 1950s and was used as a radio station in the 1960s.

5. The system of subway station in Stockholm, Sweden

In order to reduce the feeling of disappointment of the people of the capital when having to spend most of the time move underground, government capital Stockholm had to turn about 90 out of 100 subway stations in the city into the galleries of contemporary art. With the participation of 150 artists, the decoration of the MTR is hoping will help make the move to the daily monotony becomes an exciting voyage.

6. Chand Baori ladder Wells, India

Be one of the largest ladder wells works in India, Chand Baori is built from the NINETEENTH century, including 3,500 narrow ladders spread over 13 floors? At the bottom of the well, the temperature is always cooler than upstairs about from 5 − 6 degrees c. this ancient work ever to appear in the movie as The Fall and The Dark Knight Rises.

7. Mountain sandstone wave, United States

This unique stone mountain is located in the border areas of the two States of Arizona and Utah. Strange ripples of shape it may be due to wind erosion of the sandstone blocks from the Jurassic, creating the trough-shaped rocky terrain with impressive stone veneer and unique.

8. "Ghost town" Kolmanskop, Namibia

"Ghost town" is situated in the Namib desert Kolmanskop, Namibia's South. In 1908, while working, a diamond was found in this area and report to his superior, a German working in here. Realize the potential mining of diamonds, the white Germans started massively moved to this town and turn it into one of the major diamond mining deposits on time. Abandoned since 1954, Kolmanskop is gradually being sand encroachment, making it look like a "ghost town" in the heart of the desert.

9. SS Ayrfield Shipwrecks, Australia

The ship was requisitioned to serve the United States Army during World War II. When no longer in use in 1972, it was moved to Homebush Bay, in the State of New South Wales, Australia. Since then, adjacent trees were "occupied" the space inside the battleship to thrive, turn it into a forest of floating on the water.

10. Baikal ice lake, Russia

Lake Baikal is located in southern Siberia in Russia, is the world's oldest Lake. In winter, the ice on the surface of the Lake sparkle like the turquoise block under sunny, turning the whole landscape here looks like ... the Kingdom of Lord icy solitude.


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