Prevent and identify children common diseases in winter

In winter it is cold and very young infants being root diseases such as Colds, nasal inflammation, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, fever ... Here's how to prevent and identify common diseases in babies during the winter the mother should see.

In winter the weather of current day sun is still hot but the night air cold again, rising humidity, Sunshine erratic rain made many people feel tired, especially infants and young children. This is also a favorable time to many types of the virus to thrive, children's resistance to decline, leading to the number of children infected with the respiratory disease.

Common diseases in babies during the winter and how to avoid:

1. Colds in children:
-The immediate cause of the nose, runny nose, cough, headache, fever, fear conditioning, body malaise.
How to prevent:
To prevent South Korean style adventure for children with colds in the winter, must always keep warm for young children, eating hot and full of nutrients. Not cold place, to the wind. The night to go to sleep to chu y for bamboo goes your a not in where the draft.
2. Inflammation of the nose:
-Initially, itchy nose, sneezing children each colon or one by one, top heavy, tired and aching limbs. Fever of about 390C. On board is iron, night cries sexual harassment to her closing always on hand. If in newborns, the easy tip is clogged due to very small nostrils, while that babies haven't had the habit of breathing by mouth should be very prone to difficulty breathing, crying, sexual harassment had the phenomenal young muscle pull in the upper sternum and upper blow. Two young red congestion nasal cavity and stagnant much room.
Rhinitis in young children:
Young beautiful new room: the way you so often at home, baby bath-nose and nasal hygiene for baby help baby nose always be clean. (See more videos nose hygiene for babies)

3. V.A Inflammation

-V.A Inflammation usually occurs in children from 6-7 months to 4 years but also to see in older children. A child has a fever of 38-390C, may also be a higher fever, nasal, nasal flow at first in the following days, usually diluted, nasal mucus, pus. Young also asphyxiation nose, this sign is seen more clearly when the child sleeps. In the child feeding mother, nose see immediate signs when children want to suckle his mother but not breast shut breathe so young again to release the mother breast out to breathe and of course, the child would cry. The disease is usually accompanied by a cough, if there are complications of bronchitis, the cough will become aggravated. Also can see older fatigue, anorexia, sexual harassment, cry foul breath. Custom levels of the child's illness that doctors out specified as treatment with misoprostol if children high fevers on 38C, these drugs reduce phlegm coughs, thinning the nose drops.
Note: the Use of antibiotics is indicated by the physician in severe cases, there are complications or threatening complications.

4. Tonsillitis:
-Children with tonsillitis will supply high fever from 39-40oC, sore throat, difficulty swallowing, salivate more, fatigue, anorexia, lazy play. Tonsillitis is very easy to cause complications if not treated properly.
 You often have to keep warm the neck for infants and young children not to be cold for the baby.

5. Pharyngitis level:
-The disease usually occurs in the winter, experiencing both in adults and children. The first symptoms are a sore throat when swallowing, accompanied by fever, harsher sound. The cause of the disease is the bacterium Streptococcus Group A beta blood soluble. Illnesses can cause joint pain, complications leading to low heart disease in children.
A: you often have to keep warm the neck for infants and young children not too cold for baby, toddler and baby go check the frequently recurring

6. Bronchitis:
-The disease can occur at any age, usually after the weather changes, or suffer sore throats, inflammation of the nose ... Many cases older just runny nose, mild cough in some, still playing and eating normally. If the situation lasts, not treated correctly, the children lead to infection causing multiple complications of bronchitis pneumonia is very dangerous.
A: you often have to keep warm the neck for infants and young children not too cold for baby, toddler and baby go check the frequently recurring

7. Asthma:
-Is common in children with allergic diseases such as eczema, urticaria, itching ... Shortness of breath is the typical expression, difficulty breathing when breathing stretching do tossing and canards, punch bowl, pull the causes wheezing, purple lips, the face of fear. Many cases of acute breathlessness need to handle an emergency in a timely manner.

8. Fever:
Mosquito-transmitted disease could appear year-round, but thrive in the rainy season, the air humidity is low. Common illnesses in children, especially under the age of 10. The manifestation of the disease is sudden and persistent high fever (40-400 c) within 1-6 days, blood markers may appear under the skin grows in a scattered crowd, might hemorrhage in the mucosa of the mouth ...
Prevention: avoid the sick in the cold season for youngsters, parents need more attentive care, avoid cold, warm and cold wind especially when backing. Need a baby shower, dining and hygiene for dental frequently to prevent infection. Moreover, habits stir the nose and feeding the hand of the child need to be overcome radically.



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